127 Media, Digital Marketing, Burscough, West Lancashire.
Google AI Essentials badge Gary Sargent 127 Media

Earning the Google AI Essentials Certification After 30 Years in Technology

Having spent the last three decades immersed in this dynamic field, I am delighted to share a significant milestone: I have completed the Google AI Essentials Certification.

Google AI Essentials Badge, Gary Sargent, 127 Media

This achievement is not just a personal accolade but a testament to the enduring commitment to innovation and excellence that has defined my career.

The journey through the technology landscape is one of constant evolution and adaptation. Technology is an ever-changing field, with new innovations emerging almost daily, since the introduction of AI.

When I first started selling technology equipment in 1993 some of the products we had in our printed catalogs (don’t forget this was pre-internet), could be in them for up to a year, with many manufacturers having only one major product refresh every year.

This became every six months, then quarterly, and so on, until we are where we are today with innovations and new technology coming to market, almost daily.

It’s astonishing to think of what we have achieved in the last three decades but equally astonishing to see where we have come in the last three years and where the next three years will take us.

Earning the Google AI Essentials Certification After 30 Years in Technology Evolution

This graph shows the increase in technology innovations over the last three decades. It visually represents how the frequency of technological advancements has accelerated from around 20 innovations per year in 1993 to approximately 1000 innovations per year in 2023.

Technology innovations in 1993 included Microsoft releasing Windows 3.11 and NT 3.1. Intel released the first Pentium processor and the PC game, DOOM by ID Software, sent gamers around the globe into a zombie-killing spree.

Technology has never been on such a steep trajectory

This means that businesses need to be constantly adapting to stay ahead of the curve. This could be through passing certifications such as Google AI Essentials or other industry-based certifications, depending on your industry.

There are a number of factors that are driving this rapid evolution, including:

  • The increasing availability of data: The amount of data being generated is growing exponentially, and this data is being used to power new technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • The rise of the mobile Internet: More and more people are using mobile devices to access the Internet, which is creating new opportunities for businesses to reach customers.
  • The changing nature of work: The way we work is changing, with more people working remotely and in flexible arrangements. This is creating new challenges for businesses in terms of how they manage their employees and collaborate with others.

In order to thrive in this rapidly changing environment, businesses need to be able to adapt to new technologies and trends, such as AI. This means having a culture of innovation and a willingness to experiment. It also means having the right people in place who have the skills and experience to drive change.

The journey through the technology landscape is not always easy, but it is essential for businesses that want to succeed in the future. By embracing change and adapting to new technologies, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and achieve their goals.

20 innovations per year in 1993 to approximately 1000 innovations per year in 2023

A Journey Through Technological Evolution

My career began in sales at a time when standalone PCs were the pinnacle of innovation. It was the early 1990s and we sold thousands of them to eager punters wanting to get into the latest trend of Personal Computing.

We also sold to businesses, trying to keep up to date with the latest developments in office technology, including word processing and spreadsheets. Despite them being less powerful than the mobile phone you have in your hand today, we sold them by the truckload and the market just kept growing.

Over the years, I have witnessed and participated in the transformative waves of technology, from the birth of the internet to the explosive growth of e-commerce, mobile technology, and social media. Each phase brought new challenges and opportunities, shaping my understanding and approach to the technology industry.

127 Media, Digital Marketing, Burscough, West Lancashire.

In 2014, after two decades of gaining invaluable experience in various sales, product management, and marketing roles, I took a bold step. I left my position as Product Marketing Manager at a technology company in East Lancashire and founded 127 Media in West Lancashire.

This decision was driven largely by a desire to leverage my expertise in a new and independent venture. It had also been accelerated on account of the head honcho at the business having something of a meltdown in a management meeting and deciding e-commerce was the spawn of satan.

He suggested that all the figures in the press around e-commerce were made up but when challenged refused to discuss it. To endorse that he slammed his office door one Friday afternoon after ranting about it and never spoke about it again.

This was at the 11th hour as we were about to embark on a massive e-commerce project that had been months in the planning. I decided I couldn’t be part of such lunacy and left. The rest, as they say, is history.

Celebrating the People Behind the Journey

Over the past 30 years, I have had the privilege of working with some truly amazing individuals.

Many of these talented professionals continue to thrive in the industry, each contributing to the rich tapestry of the IT Channel across the globe.

Their dedication, creativity, and expertise have not only shaped my career but have also driven innovation and progress within the industry.

It is through these lasting connections and collaborative efforts that we have been able to achieve remarkable milestones and push the boundaries of what is possible in technology.

Earning the Google AI Essentials Certification After 30 Years in Technology jigsaw

Building 127 Media

The foundation of 127 Media was laid with a clear vision: to assist small and medium-sized businesses in navigating the complexities of the digital world. Having been deeply involved in e-commerce, product management, and digital marketing since 2010, I recognized the pressing need for businesses to establish and maintain a robust online presence. The rise of smartphones and mobile technology has revolutionized how consumers interact with brands, making digital engagement more crucial than ever.

I also understood the challenges that small businesses face in managing their digital portfolios. The time, effort, and cost involved can be overwhelming. Many business owners either attempt to handle these tasks themselves, often giving up due to the time commitment, or delegate them to junior staff, which can impact productivity. Hiring full-time staff for digital management is another option, but it is often prohibitively expensive for smaller enterprises.

This is where 127 Media steps in. As a full-stack digital agency, we work as an extension of our clients’ teams, providing a comprehensive range of creative and digital solutions for business. Our goal is to help businesses build their digital brand, deliver excellent customer service, and generate additional revenue.

The Impact of AI on Digital Marketing

The digital landscape is ever-changing, and staying ahead requires continuous learning and adaptation. The Google AI Essentials Certification is a reflection of this commitment to staying at the forefront of technology. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we approach digital marketing, offering powerful tools to enhance customer engagement, optimize campaigns, and drive business growth.

AI enables us to analyze vast amounts of data, uncovering insights that inform more effective marketing strategies. It allows for personalized customer experiences, automates routine tasks, and enhances decision-making processes. By integrating AI into our services at 127 Media, we can offer our clients cutting-edge solutions that deliver tangible results.

Earning the Google AI Essentials Certification After 30 Years in Technology reflecting

Reflecting on the Last Decade

The last ten years have been particularly transformative. Establishing and managing 127 Media has been both challenging and rewarding. The past four years, marked by global uncertainty and rapid technological advancements, have tested our resilience and adaptability. Despite these challenges, we have continued to grow and evolve, driven by a passion for technology and a commitment to our clients’ success.

Passing the Google AI Essentials Certification is a significant achievement, but it is just one part of our ongoing journey. It reinforces our dedication to providing the best possible service and staying ahead in a competitive industry.

Looking Ahead

As we look to the future, the possibilities are endless. The integration of AI into digital marketing is just the beginning. At 127 Media, we are excited to explore new technologies and innovations that can further enhance our services and drive success for our clients.

Gary Sargent, 127 Media, Digital Marketing, Lancashire.

I am grateful for the support and trust of our clients, partners, and team members who have been instrumental in our journey. Together, we will continue to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape, embracing new challenges and opportunities.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey. Here’s to many more years of innovation, growth, and success. If you want to stay relevant and survive in any industry, you have to adapt, reinvent, and continuously learn, to make sure you stand a chance.

If you’d like help with embracing digital technologies for business or would like to talk about any of the topics discussed in this article, give me a call: 01704 332127

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At 127 Media, we’re proud of our track record—backed by our five-star reviews on Facebook and Google. Our strength lies in delivering a personal service that fosters trust.

If you’re ready for a partnership built on dedication and results, call 01704 332127 or email info@127media.com.

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Until next time.


Google AI Essentials badge Gary Sargent 127 Media