127 Media, Digital Marketing, Burscough, West Lancashire.

Earning the Google AI Essentials Certification After 30 Years in Technology

Google AI Essentials badge Gary Sargent 127 Media

Having spent the last three decades immersed in this dynamic field, I am delighted to share a significant milestone: I have completed the Google AI Essentials Certification. This achievement is not just a personal accolade but a testament to the enduring commitment to innovation and excellence that has defined my career. The journey through the […]

How Digital Platforms Can Revolutionise Your Customer Service

How Digital Platforms Can Revolutionise Your Customer Service

In today’s rapidly evolving marketplace, exceptional customer service is a crucial differentiator for businesses across all sectors. As consumer expectations continue to rise, companies must go beyond merely meeting basic needs and strive to deliver memorable, personalised experiences that foster loyalty and trust. This commitment to outstanding service not only sets businesses apart from their […]

How Can My Business Improve Cyber Security?

How Can My Business Improve Cyber Security

“How can my business improve cyber security?” This is a question that more and more small to medium-sized business owners are asking themselves. It underscores the importance of robust defences in today’s ever-evolving digital threat landscape. Due to the nature of our business, it is not only important for us to ensure our systems and […]

Enhancing Website Security: Mitigating Plugin Vulnerabilities

Enhancing Website Security Mitigating Plugin Vulnerabilities, Ultimate Member Plugin, 127 Media, Secure Web Hosting

The daily spread of cyber threats continues to challenge the integrity of website security and the recent revelation of a critical SQL injection vulnerability in a widely used WordPress plugin serves as a stark reminder of the ever-present dangers. We became aware of this vulnerability on the website The Hacker News whilst undertaking some routine […]

SEO Strategies: Voice Search Optimisation

SEO Strategies Voice Search Optimisation

“Why should I use voice search optimisation?” is a question many businesses are contemplating, as voice search technology reshapes the digital landscape, offering a transformative approach to how we interact with devices and search for information online. With the convenience of voice commands and the significant advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing […]

Google Business Website Service Shuts Down

Google Business Website Service Shuts Down

In a surprising move, Google business website service will be shut down, from March onwards. This decision poses a significant challenge for businesses that rely on this platform for their online presence. As a seasoned digital agency, we are poised to guide businesses through this unexpected change, recommending WordPress – a platform endorsed by Google […]

Harnessing Digital Technology for Business

Harnessing Digital Technology for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses. It shows a lively city street with various small businesses, each integrating digital technology in their operations. This vibrant and modern scene effectively illustrates how technology can enhance and connect small businesses.

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, businesses are finding that the integration of digital technology is not just beneficial but essential for sustainable growth and competitiveness. Digital technology offers a plethora of opportunities for businesses to enhance their operations, marketing strategies, customer engagement, and overall efficiency. Embracing Digital Marketing for Enhanced Visibility Digital marketing stands […]

2023 Reflections, 2024 Visions: A Decade in Digital

2023 Reflections, 2024 Visions A Decade in Digital

As 2023 comes to a close, we find ourselves looking ahead to 2024, a year that will mark our 10th anniversary in business. It’s no secret that the last few years have been challenging, both for our business and personally for many of us. The impacts of the global pandemic and economic shifts have been […]

Inclusivity and Accessibility in the Digital World

Inclusivity & Accessibility. Diverse hands, each holding a smartphone, forming a circle, symbolising unity, inclusivity, and the digital world.

Inclusivity and Accessibility were on the agenda of an online summit I attended recently on Community Engagement, in my role as a town councillor, hosted by the SLCC. One presentation that particularly resonated with me was “Nothing About Us, Nothing Without Us!” This insightful talk was put together by Dr Tanvir Bush from Bath Spa […]

Financing Digital Projects: A Guide for SMBs

Financing Digital Projects A Guide for SMBs

Financing digital projects such as web development, web maintenance, SEO and digital marketing campaigns, can offer numerous advantages for your business. This article outlines the business benefits of using finance to spread the cost of your digital projects, including the importance of preserving working capital, among others. Why Buy When You Can Finance? Purchasing any […]