127 Media, Digital Marketing, Burscough, West Lancashire.
Website Content is King | 127 Media | Digital Marketing | Web Development

Website Content is King

On your website, content is king. How many times have you heard that mantra during your marketing meetings or meetings with your outsourced digital agency?

Here’s the thing, it’s 100% true!

No matter what you do, whether it’s for developing websites, social media, email, newsletters or even hard copy business brochures, your content will distinguish you from your competition.

When we engage with a business to start the process of developing a new website or refreshing an old one, we discuss website content and make suggestions for it, based on feedback about their business.

We offer ideas for how to write and schedule their website content, enabling them to get the best out of their new website. Many start with good intentions but then it falls flat.

A few months later, we get a call and are told the website isn’t ‘working’. We are told they aren’t getting any enquiries through it and aren’t happy because they’ve now paid for the website and it isn’t producing results.

At this point, we refer back to our quotation, in which we offered monthly support packages that included website maintenance and website content creation. We always offer these packages as they are the only way a website will continue to perform.

There are no quick fixes or cheats, the only way is by providing it with fresh, relevant, website content on a regular basis. However, many businesses say they want to create website content themselves, as they don’t want to pay a monthly fee.

Here’s the thing, if you don’t update your website with fresh website content, months down the line search engines such as Google and Bing will have lost interest in your website because it hasn’t been updated regularly.

Search engines are only interested in websites that have something to crawl, so their spiders will be off looking for tidbits elsewhere if you’re not updating it.

This is where so many businesses fall over with websites.

Building and launching your website is only the first step in your journey and one that many businesses don’t get past. The reason for this is that they think once their site is up and running, that’s it and it will start converting.


This is when the hard work really starts. You can have the best website in the world with all the latest bells and whistles but unless you carefully manage it, updating it regularly with keyword-rich website content, it will never perform as you think it should.

It’s the same with social media and newsletters, the more regular and engaging your content is, the better your engagement and the further your reach. It’s that simple.

  • Does it take time? Yes
  • Does it take effort? Yes
  • Does it cost money? Well, if you value your time as a business owner/manager, then yes, your time is money.

However you look at it, it’s going to cost you time and effort and possibly money but that’s what it takes to have a really great website, that generates leads and additional revenues for your business.

We can teach you how to write website content. We can give you the tools like this online Document Readability Calculator, which helps you test the readability of your document. We can even show you ideas for how to prepare yourself each month to write content or, we can take the strain and do it for you.

  • Will it take time? It will, but nowhere near as much time as it will take you to plan, write and publish your website content.
  • Will it take effort? A little but nowhere near the effort it would take to do it yourself.
  • Will it cost money? Of course, we’re not a charity, we run a business too.

So, if you’re sitting there scratching your head, wondering why your website isn’t performing as it should, please get in touch and talk to us about our website content and maintenance packages.

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If you’re ready for a partnership built on dedication and results, call 01704 332127 or email info@127media.com.

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Until next time.


Website Content is King | 127 Media | Digital Marketing | Web Development